Posting Article Policy

The International Journal of Management and Economic Research (IJOMER) is committed to facilitating the broad dissemination of research findings and encourages authors to share their work responsibly. In alignment with this commitment, IJOMER adopts a Posting Article Policy that allows authors to share and promote their accepted manuscripts.

Authors are permitted to share the accepted version of their articles on preprint servers, institutional repositories, personal websites, and other non-commercial platforms immediately upon acceptance. This early sharing enables authors to engage with the academic community and receive valuable feedback while the final version undergoes the production process.

However, authors are advised to adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Attribution: When sharing the accepted manuscript, authors should include proper citation and acknowledge its acceptance in IJOMER.

  2. Link to Published Version: Authors are encouraged to update their preprints or shared versions with a link to the final published article on the IJOMER website once available.

  3. Non-commercial Platforms: Manuscripts should be shared on non-commercial platforms to avoid conflicts with the journal's copyright policies.

IJOMER's Posting Article Policy aligns with the principles of open science and aims to foster collaboration, discussion, and the swift dissemination of research within the academic community. Authors are encouraged to review the specific guidelines outlined in the journal's Author Guidelines for further details.